issue 04 - a very specific kind of melancholy.
i'm really into the idea of rot right now
Leave Josephine Whittock alone in the ‘chrysalis’ she has spun for herself
we are made up of strands
Court Ludwick plots our genome in ‘DNA strands’
obsessed with women who want to eat me
Katherine Noble hunts us down like a doe in ‘Venus in Deerskin’
fiction by Josephine Whittock
It’s better to sit here forever.
‘There’s damp under her arms and between her pressed-together thighs, sticky on her cheek melted into plastic, sap leaking from one eye.’
That Devil, the Soundcloud Rapper
poetry by Elliot Brodeur
For the love of god, don’t put your feet on the dash while driving.
‘Devil came down, gave me cunnilingus on the floor /
I’d never done it before.’
Cut-Glass Jaw
fiction by Yuvashri Harish
Hit her right in the jaw with a meat cleaver.
‘Vidya thought, no, prayed, insisted she would be able to cut Peggy open and crawl inside her body, to sit in the cage of her ribs, and maybe that would be okay.’
DNA Strand
visual poetry by Court Ludwick
what makes me up
‘as logos/
as breakdown/
as slap me harder/’
Squash Gash
flash fiction by Sarah Twycross
Biblically-accurate decay.
‘Angels flap across the sky in a flurry of eyes and feathers and teeth and I feel fine.’
The Future Belongs to the Analog Loyalists
fiction by Chris Puzak
Those talking stuffies were always so creepy.
‘My wife howls with joy as darkness spews out of the speakers in all its analog glory.’
For Legal Reasons I Cannot Release His Name
poetry by Elizabeth Dickinson
A phone in a hotel lobby.
‘That’s where I was left one night, /
after fanning my wallet’s options. /’
pretty baby
poetry by Angel Lynne
All things pass into the night.
‘i frolic in the dirt like a /
pretty baby /’
Jane Channels
fiction by J.R. Andrews
Surfing the high.
‘Quote when I can access the google doc again lmao.’
Venus in Deerskin
fiction by Katherine Noble
The meat is tender. The meat is terrified.
‘Sometimes, hurt things like to be hurt.
In my dreams, I find I am one of these hurt things.’
“Alvin’s starring role in Bladerunner 2049, embroidery”. To commission Colleen, check their linktree by clicking HERE.
Friends of the Mag
this issue made possible by the financial support of:
K. is personally responsible for the largest single donation I have ever seen with my own two eyes. I literally gasped.
K. would like to remind everyone of Noam Hessler’s piece ‘The Pilgrims’, which we published as a standalone piece in our newsletter, viewable on the bodyfluids website, here, as it was what introduced her to bodyfluids. -
H. is a recurring donor, and by this point I’d offer them my firstborn. Thank you so much H.!
Another incredibly generous long-term donor to the mag. Thank you kindly!