
Alice M., Founding Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Webmaster, Social Media Shitposter, etc.

Alice is a pseudonymous writer and visual artist from London. Ae founded bodyfluids and painted or drew a lot of the art on the website. Aer writing is printed in Salt Publishing’s Best British Short Stories (2022 volume), House of Vlad (May 2024), Misery Tourism (April 2024), X-R-A-Y (August 2023), HAD (March 2023), Rejection Letters (December 2022), and Hobart (August 2021). Alice reads longies for X-R-A-Y, and is working on long-form fiction. Ae are nonbinary (ae | aer pronouns). @notveryalice for writing, @wildaltar for visual art, @bodyfluidslit for the journal.

    • Labyrinths (Borges)

    • Hour of the Star (Lispector)

    • Suspiria (Guadagnino)

    • The Idiot (Dostoevsky)

    • The Plague (Camus)

    • Mandy, Beyond the Black Rainbow (Cosmatos)

    • Control (Remedy)

    • Schachnovelle (Zweig)

    • Crash, Videodrome, Crimes of the Future (1970), Stereo (Cronenberg)

    • Perfume (Süskind)

    • Edwin Mullhouse: The Life and Death of an American Writer 1943-1954, by Jeffrey Cartwright (Millhauser)

    • Ballad of the Sad Café (McCullers)

    • Uzumaki (Ito)

    • Rebecca (Hitchcock)

    • Chelsea Wolfe & Meshuggah, again

    • writing a novel about a woman who becomes a nun and walls herself into an abbey, Amontillado-style, to escape abusive men

    • Catholicism (pagan, ossuaries, decaying velvet), versus Catholicism (Protestant LARPing)

    • going hard on the perfumery obsession

    • discovering books I already own while unpacking them as though they’re birthday presents I just opened

  • a new type of guy. by this i mean a guy who is new to me, in fiction.

    like the guy who drove a getaway car because he was lonely. a guy who’s part of the heavy metal & leather scene in Botswana. a guy whose dog is also their licensed therapist. a guy who takes herself to all the most dangerous caves in the world without PPE specifically to catch a zoonotic virus.

    just some guy, you know?